If you track Rytec’s pioneering history, it’s easy to see how they have earned their reputation for driving the door industry. Just take a look at the most complete, most dependable line of high speed doors in the industry.

When it was introduced with the first-ever Break-Away™ bottom bar, the Fast-Seal high-speed roll door changed the industry forever. Suddenly, a roll door was able to take a hit without suffering damage. It is this concept around which the industry has grown, but no other manufacturer has matched the dependability or durability of the Fast-Seal with the original Break-Away bottom bar. Which is why it remains the most popular door on the market today.

A Product of the Year award-winner when introduced back in 1994, the PredaDoor roll door is a low-cost, high-speed alternative to strip curtains and impact doors that has proven so popular that several other manufacturers have since emulated its simple, elegant design. Its primary applications are interior warehousing and manufacturing, but it can also be equipped for exterior use. Full-width replaceable window panels are standard.

The Clean-Roll door is the only high-speed door designed specifically for food processing, pharmaceutical and clean-room applications. Underwriter’s Laboratories (U.L.), certifies that this door exceeds the most comprehensive & stringent hygienic standards in the world, a combination of USDA, FDA, NSF and ISO standards. The Clean-Roll provides all the maintenance, efficiency and productivity benefits you’d expect from a high-speed door.

With its natural ability to withstand forklift impact without sustaining damage, the Fast-Fold door introduced the break-away concept to the United States in 1985. It can be used almost anywhere – for interior, exterior, warehousing, manufacturing or commercial applications. And because of its many patented, proven design features like its rugged Tek-Trak™ and floating Ryflex™ roller system, it provides millions and millions of cycles of dependable service.

High Speed and Insulated, It’s the One-Door Cold Storage Solution. With an R-value of 12, the new Arctec door from Rytec combines the insulating qualities of traditional, rigid cold storage doors with all the benefits of high-speed doors. It’s fast, it’s durable and it’s engineered to withstand the impact of a forklift. So with one door, you can increase operational efficiency during work hours and save energy at all hours, while reducing door maintenance.